Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Funny Quotes on Life That Teach You to Lighten Up

Funny Quotes on Life That Teach You to Lighten Up I find funny things happening around me all the time. Just the other day, my husband and my kids were tap dancing around the house. Usually, my husband is not predisposed to dancing, but here he was making tribal sounds and jerking his shoulders, as if he had been partially electrocuted. And no, this was not a new dancing style in vogue. This was simply his attempt to hunt a little spider. That little creature had suddenly decided to go bungee-jumping from the ceiling straight into my hubbys clothes. So why were the kids tap dancing too? Because they were excited, as they expected him to turn spidery and crawl up the walls, like their favorite superhero. Well, he almost made their wish come true.And if things couldnt get worse, I managed to get out of the tangled web of spiders to walk straight into a hive of angry bees at the park. Thats when I saw some neighborhood kids laughing their guts out. I wonder what could be so funny about an oversized woman running in the park with a purse above her head, and a host of buzzing bees angrily chasing her. It was probably the high heels that grabbed too much attention! Life Is FunnyLifes funny at times. You find many situations that make you smirk or smile. Perhaps you read a funny status message on Facebook or Twitter? Or perhaps a friend said something hilarious that kept you smiling through the day? Life is funny, when you look at the lighter side of things. Humor keeps stress at bay, and makes time pass smoothly, like a well-oiled machine.Humor can be a double-edged sword though. Statements laced with sarcasm can drive home a point. Want to tell your neighbor that his dog stinks? Poke harmless fun at your neighbor. Maybe he will get the message. But what if you tell your boss that you are overworked and underpaid? Try making a humorous remark that subtly drives the message home. You may actually end up with a fatter paycheck or some other perks. That is, if you dont get fired for speaking up.What If You Cant Spot the Funny Stuff?If you are blessed with a funny bone, you will see the funnier side of things. However, if you lack the ability to la ugh, you may need help. Read these funny quotes on life. These quotes inspire you to find humor in the mundane. Whether you are trying to understand humor or life, there is a lot to gain from funny quotes.Alyce P. Cornyn-SelbyA perfect method of adding drama to life is to wait until the deadline looms large.Jane Wagner, The Search for Intelligent Life in The UniverseAll my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.Woody AllenAll people know the same truth. Our lives consist of how we choose to distort it.Yogi BerraAlways go to other peoples funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours.Herbert SamuelAn autobiography is the story of how a man thinks he lived.Mark Twain Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.Lao-TzuBorn to be wild - live to outgrow it.Robert GronockHe who sleeps on the floor will not fall off the bed.Woody AllenI am not afraid of death, I just dont want to be there when it happens.Winston ChurchillI am prepared to meet my Ma ker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.Woody AllenI do not believe in an afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear.Whoopi GoldbergI dont like driving very much. That makes me very unhappy, because I scream a lot in the car, but other than that, life is actually pretty good.Jim RohnI find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they do their lives.Oscar WildeI put all my genius into my life; I put only my talent into my works.Dean SmithIf you’re going to make every game a matter of life or death, you’re going to have a lot of problems. For one thing, you’ll be dead a lot.Joey AdamsIn life, its not who you know thats important, its how your wife found out.Truman CapoteLife is a moderately good play with a badly written third act.Oscar WildeLife is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.Bertrand RussellLife is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rath er than the victim. Djuna BarnesLife is painful, nasty and short... in my case it has only been painful and nasty.Bob MonkhousePersonally, I dont think theres intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one?Fran LebowitzStand firm in your refusal to remain conscious during algebra. In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.George CarlinThe day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.Robert HeinleinThe supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.Oscar WildeThere are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.Benjamin FranklinWere it offered to my choice, I should have no objection to a repetition of the same life from its beginning, only asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to correct some faults in the first.Mark TwainWhen we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.Stephen FryA cousin of mine who was a ca sualty surgeon in Manhattan tells me that he and his colleagues had a one-word nickname for bikers: Donors. Rather chilling.Neil SimonHe’s too nervous to kill himself. He wears his seat belt in a drive-in movie.Jim CarreyI think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that its not the answer.Henny YoungmanI told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.Stephen WrightI went to a restaurant that serves breakfast at any time. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.Mae WestIs that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?Cathy GuisewiteMothers, food, love, and career: the four major guilt groups.Amelia EarhartNever interrupt someone doing what you said couldnt be done.Mark TwainNever put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.Sholom AleichemNo matter how bad things get, you got to go on living, even if it kills you.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Employee Engagement and Employee Voice (Contemporary HRM Research) Essay

Employee Engagement and Employee Voice (Contemporary HRM Research) - Essay Example The role of employee voice in employee issues therefore very important in the operation of human resource management units since it has a significant influence on employee performance, employee views and also regulates the relationship between employers and employees. This paper examines the concept of 'employee voice'. It attempts to identify what that concept actually is and how it has evolved over the past 60 years The research then goes on to examine the position of employee voice after the Second World War and how it has evolved to this day. It will examine key concepts and ideas that define the phenomenon. Also, the research discusses the role of employee engagement in organisations. This is done from two perspectives. The first is the position of employers and the facades within which they deal with employee demands. The second is how the organization and the human resource department specifically, deals with employee voice. Finally, the paper will focus on the role of employe e relationships and how it affects the strategic position of organisations. It will be done by examining the business case of employee relations and how it is integrated into the communication plan of organisations. Employee Voice â€Å"For working purpose, we define voice as the expression of ideas, information, opinions and concerns as well as silence, such as withholding† (Greenberg & Edwards, 2009 p4). This means that voice refers to communication in the wider sense. There is no clearcut definition of employee voice. However, using this preamble, we can say that voice refers to the kind of feedback or message that employees give or seek to give to their employers in the workplace. From another perspective, this also means that where employees refuse to communicate or make any demands, it can also be viewed as some kind of a voice. This implies that communication from employees is essential for the success of organisations around the world. Employee voice therefore takes a different connotation all together. Its scope is wider than just making demands and asking management or the owners of a business to come up with certain actions or activities. â€Å"Employee voice is the term increasingly used to cover a whole variety of processes and structures which enables and sometimes empowers employees directly or indirectly to contribute to decision-making in the firm† (Armstrong, 2008 p200). This shows that employee voice is a kind of involvement of employees in the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Picture of Dorian Gray Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Essay Example For Dorian, the appearance of beauty is all that matters, and many characters in the novel judge him solely on his looks, rather than his actions. It is the worship of youth and beauty for beauty's sake that leads to Dorian down the path of hedonism and from there to the embrace of sin. Early in the novel, Dorian is a somewhat innocent character, and the artist, Basil Hallward, feels protective toward the young man, and does not want others to intrude on their friendship, especially the cynical Lord Henry. The boy has had such a profound effect on Hallward's soul that it has influenced all his work, and he tells Lord Henry, "He is all my art to me now" (Wilde 11). To Hallward, Dorian's looks do reflect something beyond youth and beauty, an admirable personality. But once Dorian begins to associate with Lord Henry Wottan, he learns a new way of expressing himself. Lord Henry likes to play with the idea of morality, teaching Dorian that "the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it" (Wilde 21). In this, he is beginning to lead Dorian down a path of selfish immorality, one where he may do whatever he likes without consequence. He explains the route of hedonism, beginning by convincing Dorian that "youth is the one thing worth having" (Wilde 24), that beauty is more important than thought (Wilde 25), and that his life will be completely worthless without these two qualities. He also explains, "Nothing can sure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul" (Wilde 23), and Dorian, unfortunately, takes to heart only the first part of this maxim. Where Lord Henry's philosophy allows the beautiful young man to become a hedonist, it does acknowledge the importance of the soul, but Dorian doesn't understand this. As Martin Fido succinctly puts it, "Dorian's delight in his own beauty and youthleads him to place the stimulation of the senses through exotic beauty above every other value. This leads to his appalling corruptions" (Fido 85). Oscar Wilde was familiar with the aesthetics of both Hallward and Henry. As an artist, he was familiar with the ideal of beauty for beauty's sake, and he discusses this in his preface, where he explains the role of the artist as "the creator of beautiful things" (xxiii) and also that seeing beauty in beautiful things is the only way to be cultivated. However, we also see Henry's amorality in this preface, when Wilde dismisses the idea of morality or immorality in art (Wilde xxiii). Wilde must have examined this idea from many angles, due to the world he lived in. As he was writing The Picture of Dorian Gray, the culture he lived in was busy condemning his own behavior as immoral. Since he believed "his literary and social standing would protect him" (Nunokawa 12) from persecution, he became less discreet about his relationships with other men even as the English parliament was passing laws again homosexuality, and eventually he was convicted of being gay, and sentenced to two years of hard labor for this crime (Nunokawa 12). If Wilde had instead remained secretive about his actions, he

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comments on two posts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comments on two posts - Essay Example How could Germany have altered its command, control, and logistics for more success in the East? One of the most crucial fronts of the war was the east, where Germany launched Operation Barbarossa to occupy Soviet Union and gain control of significant resources in the east.4 According to the post, the winter, bad road conditions, and a lack of cohesion; and that the Germans must have conquered just enough territory to effectively sustain the campaign. However, I think that the biggest mistake of Germany was attempting to conquer the Soviet Union itself, for the Soviet Union was very successful in their industrialization and has so immense resources and manpower to be able to successfully repulse any German advance;5 they must have not invaded the Soviet Union and focused on invading Great Britain instead. Bibliography Clay, Blair. Hitler's U-Boat War: The Hunters 1939-1942. New York: Cassel & Co., 1996. Higgins, Trumbrull. Hitler and Russia: the Third Reich in a two-front war, 1937-1 943. New York: Macmillan, 1966. Overy, Richard.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Work Considered Chronicle Of A Death Foretold English Literature Essay

Work Considered Chronicle Of A Death Foretold English Literature Essay Reflective Statement: Translated from the Spanish masterpiece first published in 1981, Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a tale embossed with irony and political authority. Inspired by a true story, Marquez eloquently critiques the collective psychology of the small Columbian coastal towns residents, whose response to the murder is portrayed through a powerfully orchestrated framework of poetic beauty and literary phenomenon that preserves a chapter of history in a portrait of the 1950s community. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Marquezs work and hope my enthusiasm was conveyed to the group. Discussion focussed on how contextual factors shaped the novella. Plagued by corruption stemming from Catholicism, full appreciation of Marquezs work is dependent upon understanding of religious contexts. Ironically, blatant disregard for religious scriptures implies a superficial nature to religious devotion. I communicated how, despite claiming to be devout Catholics, the neighbourhood undermine religious attitudes by lying to avoid culpability and killing to preserve honour. The insightfully articulated point explaining how forgiveness is the main teaching in Catholicism reinforced how religion cant be used to justify honour killings since they are contradictory to Biblical teachings. We concluded that religion was being used to veil corrupt traditions and anachronistic sentiments. Marquez criticises male obligation to defend family honour. Reminiscent of a motto, there is conviction in the expression honour doesnt wait. Although women are objectified throughout, Angelas accusation that Santiago was her perpetrator remains unquestioned, perhaps because, where preservation of honour is concerned, the sentiment supersedes the action itself. Someone said that possibility of the victims innocence was irrelevant; Santiagos life compensated for the shame brought on the family. The ambiguity of biblical teachings invites misinterpretation. Wiping dirt off his guts, ironically Santiago is the only one with honour. Someone thought cultural differences made relating to characters difficult, reducing overall reading pleasure; I argued, however, time has enriched the story. Influenced by changing attitudes; when the narrator returns 27 years later to piece together the events of the murder, details are confused, suggesting that the townsfolk have altered their memories to absolve themselves of guilt and shared responsibility. Magical realism is a recurring motif. Implications of shared responsibility are shown through the enchanting way everything smells of Santiago Nasar; suggestive of the guilt that haunts the community. Poignant fantastical imagery confuses the distinction between reality and fiction and, like the investigation that inspired his work, there are many unanswered questions. 395 words Aspect: How does narrative perspective influence the readers understanding of the events? Title: Why does Marquez allow the selection of evidence to be influenced by a subjective narrator and to what extent does this complicate the readers investigation into the question who or what is responsible for the death of Santiago Nasar? Translated from the 1981 Spanish text, Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a tale embossed with irony and riddled with mystery. Inspired by a real event, Marquez critiques the collective psychology of the towns residents and their response to a cold-blooded murder. The distinction between fact and fiction is blurred by discrepancies presented within a complex narrative framework as our unnamed narrator investigates the murder. Although the journalistic style is convincing, like everything in this novel, the various accounts are not as they seem. Compounded by the absence of potentially enlightening documents, the investigation presents nothing more than a subjective compilation of inconsistencies. As the narrator rummages through a lagoon of lost causes (100) attempting to recover partial records from the original investigation, we too must piece together an impossible puzzle of narrative ambiguities. No more reliable than the members of the community desperately trying to evade respons ibility, our detective narrator filters and manipulates the evidence, imparting a fragmented report plagued with unsolved mysteries. Thus, when approaching the underlying question who or what is responsible for the death of Santiago Nasar consideration of narrative perspective is essential to see through the misleading facade worn by the community. Narrative subjectivity is shrouded by a deceptive journalistic style. His unique position as a member of the community has decisive influence on the investigation proceedings, making it difficult to establish a trusting relationship with the narrator. We learn of neither his character nor his motivations for trying after so many years to disinter the horrific events, although hopes to unearth a forgotten secret that could restore coherence to the investigation are frequently implied. Despite his meticulous research, our narrator is unable to provide any persuasive evidence; merely a subjective compilation of contradictory accounts, procured largely from sources confounded with bias. Whats more, the traditions and cultural values of the community have had subtle influences on the narrators work. Expressing an intrinsic belief in his mothers ability she had a well-earned reputation as an accurate interpreter of other peoples dreams'(2), the narrator places great value on mythical allus ions; the hyphenated adjective well-earned implying a level of respect and perhaps even admiration for her ability. Although our narrators roots and his relationships with the central protagonists add a new dimension to the investigation, ultimately, like the smell of Santiago Nasar in the memories of the characters, uncertainty lingers in the mind of the reader as a consequence of his subjectivity. One of the major challenges the narrator encounters is the limited availability of evidence; failure to procure key details left many questions unanswered during the original investigation and continues to riddle the chronicle for readers today. Responsible for the selection of evidence, the narrator controls what information is available to the reader; it is plausible that certain details remain undisclosed to protect his integrity. This is compounded by the fact only some 322 from the more than 500 (100) pages of an already deficient collection of documents were rescued by the narrator, implying the absence of details perhaps critical to the understanding of existing evidence and success of the investigation. In compensation for the lack of original evidence he interviews members of the community, but even these accounts are nebulous. Angelas mother, for example, refuses to speak of past events she went to her grave with her secret (46); her memories may have been critical in advan cing the investigation, hence the denied information incites unwelcome feelings of missed opportunity. Such feelings of despair are reflected in this poignant image that reinforces how the secrets are concealed and out of reach, with a metaphorical evocation that the truth is inaccessible. One can only imagine a grave to be a lonely place for a secret; buried deep in the ground and in total darkness, if light represents truth and understanding, this image may be symbolic of the unknown. There is also a suggestion that the community doesnt want the truth exposed as it would mean accepting a degree of culpability. More so than the reservations of key characters, it is the impossibility of retrieving certain memories that troubles the narrator. Officer Leandro Pornoy died the following year, gored in the jugular vein by a bull (53) before the narrator had the opportunity to talk to him. Here the graphic imagery is shocking and resembles something of a newspaper headline. Moreover, incl usion of gory details is consistent with the honest reporting style that veils the narrators subjectivity. Thus, the limited availability of information serves to divert the readers already gruelling journey in search of the truth; our confusion parallels that of our narrator. Used throughout the chronicle as a motif to reflect the emotional position of its characters, the weather is a topic of inconsistency, casting an element of mystery over the novel which is never explicitly addressed. Throughout, Marquez uses pathetic fallacy to convey characters attitudes. Victoria Guzman openly expressed an ardent dislike for Santiago Nasar and her lack of remorse for failing to prevent his murder is metaphorically implied in her statement, claiming It hadnt rained that day, or during the whole month of February (7); her conscience as clear as the sky in her testimony, she will continue to stand by her judgement. Reported to have been a radiant morning with a sea breeze coming in through the banana groves (2), similar values are shared by other members of the community. The positive connotations associated with this image of pastoral harmony suggest a relatively content state of mind and lack of concern. Conversely, the narrator may have been motivated by a desire t o absolve himself from the guilt haunting his conscience. Uncovering the truth would give the investigation a sense of closure, allowing Santiagos memory be left to rest in peace. Where light represents truth and knowledge, it seems apposite that the weather was funereal, with a cloudy, low sky (2). Blocking the sun in the same way answers have been concealed for 27 years, the clouds carry therefore symbolic importance. Hence, provided that questions remain unanswered, the narrator will never truly be able to rid himself of the guilt; perhaps Marquez is presenting a subtle criticism of societys values in that murder should never be justified or accepted on the grounds of honour or personal aversion. The chronicle doesnt follow the typical narrative structure. Instead, intrinsic of the investigation itself, the reader first learns of the murder in the opening sentence before journeying alongside the narrator in an attempt to discover the truth behind the tragedy; the reconstructed past fragmented as proceedings are recounted from various perspectives. Metaphorically, each shard of the broken mirror of memory (5) is a fragment of the truth that only when united can reveal the underlying truth. Meticulous investigation presents a limited picture; like a mirror, the closer the narrator scrutinises individual testimonies and solitary evidence, the more his desired answers elude him and multiple inconsistencies reveal a level of subjectivity. The narrator advocates the conviction of a foretold death because none of us could go on living without an exact knowledge of the place and mission assigned to us by fate. (97), hoping like the rest of the community, to detach himself from the si tuation, alleviating the burden of personal responsibility. The extent to which the death of Santiago Nasar can be attributed to fate, is, however, largely ambiguous. It is Marquezs use of magical realism that alludes to the number of obscure coincidences for which the only logical explanation is fate, sending the reader into a blurred conceptual zone somewhere between fact and fiction. Thus, subjectivity of our unnamed narrator in Chronicle of a Death Foretold can be seen to compromise the credibility of the narrative. The selection of already limited evidence, influenced by the narrators obligation to protect his community, further complicates the underlying investigation into the question: who or what is responsible for the death of Santiago Nasar? His motivation may have been to answer this question; however, it is difficult to identify a single offender given that the entire community is culpable to some degree. Many of the characters insist that fate is responsible for Santiagos death the narrator included, but this is merely a facade, burying the shame that would inevitably be cast upon them should they reveal the truth of how they tolerated such a brutal murder. Ultimately there is not one culprit, nor was the death of Santiago Nasar down to fate, rather it is the anachronistic traditions of the Roman Catholic community that should be criticised. Following social progression, it is difficult for the ashamed community to dwell on events of the past as no justification seems logical or indeed adequate to defend such an unthinkable murder. The collective group overshadowed and plagued the thoughts of the individual; but clearly what is popular is not always moral. His role is not to expose the truth; as a member of that community, inability to accept responsibility will prevent the narrator from ever solving the mystery surrounding the death of Santiago Nasar. Ultimately, Marquez uses the narrator as a device to question the unreliability of the communitys collective voice. (1467 Words)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Alices Adventures in Wonder Land, James and the Giant Peach Essay

Alice's Adventures in Wonder Land, James and the Giant Peach 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' was written by Lewis Carroll in 1865. It was written for children and is a story of a twelve year old girl who falls down a rabbit hole. On her adventures, the protagonist, Alice, comes across many weird and wonderful scenes, sites and characters. She comes across many creatures and animals with anthropomorphic behaviour. The entire story is set in a strange world of continuous change. 'James and the Giant Peach', written by Roald Dahl in 1965, is also a book written for children. It is about a boy called James, who is also the protagonist and is also a similar age as Alice, and he comes across a huge peach. This peach contains giant insects, which talk. There are several similarities between these two stories, including the fact that the protagonist is a child who goes through magical and strange scenes that are packed with fantasy and wonder. Also, the characters that they meet along their way are, in both stories, creatures and animals who behave anthropomorphically. James is taken through many adventures and situations of great excitement. He lives in and lives off the peach which he has become stranded upon whilst floating at sea. Eventually, in the climax of the story, the peach ends out flying over New York City with the aid of Seagulls. This is a modern child's story, and even with a century between the publishing of James and Alice, the two stories are incredibly alike in scene structure and character relevance. In both stories there are wonderful but bizarre characters that influence the story and how it develops. In Alice, a strong influence of the story is the Cheshire Cat. Using riddles a... ...er influence, I have come to the conclusion that 'Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland' simply isn't as enjoyed by children as it used to be. It is too out of the ordinary and merely unbelievable. Fantasy works with the imagination, but this story is just too fantastical. The introduction of the animated film has also discouraged children from reading the book, because not as much effort has to be put in just to understand what's happening. This is the case with modern stories as well. For example, the Harry Potter stories are released as films as well as in books, yet many children still enjoy and are inspired to read the books as well as watching the films. Basically 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' has passed its time, and in the modern day requires too much concentrating, hard work and deep thought to be enjoyed. Easily read stories, are easily enjoyed.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ketamine Pain Mechanism

Pain is communicated from the brain to other parts of the body by the CNS (Central Nervous System) and nerve endings. (Mayer, Mao, Holt, Price, 7731-7736) The ligand-gated ion channels, also referred to as LGICs, or ionotropic receptors, are a group of intrinsic transmembrane ion channels that are opened in response to binding of a chemical messenger. (Collingridge, Singer, 290-296) (Dickenson, 307-309) (Dickenson, Chapman, Green, 633-638)The ion channel is regulated by a neurotransmitter ligand that is very selective to one or more ions like potassium, sodium, calcium, and chloride. (Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell, 178-180)   Such receptors located at synapses converting the chemical signal to an electric signal in the post-synaptic cell. (Connolly, Wafford, 529-534)   The NMDA receptor (N-methyl-D-aspartate) is such an ionotropic receptor for glutamate. (Dingledine, Borges, Bowie, Traynelis, 7-61) (Lodge, Johnson, 81-86) (Meller, 435-436)   By X-ray crystallography, the NMDA recep tors have an heterodimer subunits, which are involved in the binding of agonists and antagonists like Ketamine. (Hirota, Lambert, 441-444)This channel complex contributes to excitatory synaptic transmission at sites throughout the brain and the spinal cord, and is modulated by a number of endogenous and exogenous compounds. (Rabben, Skljelbred, Oye, 1060-1066)   NMDA receptors play a key role in a wide range of physiologic and pathologic processes. (Hoffman, Coppejans, Vercauteren, Adriemsen, 240-242) (Klepstadt, Maurset, Moberg, Oye, 513-518) (Coderre, Katz, Vaccarino, Melzack, 259-285) Ketamine is primarily a non-competitive antagonist, which opens in response to binding of glutamate. This NMDA receptor mediates the reduction of pain effects of ketamine at low doses. (Lofwall, Griffiths, Mintzer, 439-449)Evidence for this is reinforced by the fact that naxolone, an opioid antagonist, does not reverse the analgesia. Studies also seem to indicate that ketamine is ‘use depend ent' meaning it only initiates its blocking action once a glutamate binds to the NMDA receptor. (Sorensen, Bengtsson, Ahlner, Henriksson, Ekselius et al., 1615-1621)   At high level doses, ketamine has also been found to bind to opioid mu receptors and sigma receptors. Thus, loss of consciousness that occurs may be partially due to binding at the opioid mu and sigma receptors. (Lonnqvist, Norton, 617-621)(Menigaux, Fletcher, Dupont, Guignard, Guirimand, et al. 129-135) (Koppert, Sittl, Scheuber, Alsheimer, Schmelz, 152-159) (Bushell, Endoh, Simen, Ren, Bindokas, 55-64)Works CitedMayer DJ, Mao J, Holt J, Price DD. Cellular Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain, Morphin Tolerance, and their Interactions. Proc. Natl Acac. Sci. USA. 1999, 96(14): 7731-7736.Collingridge G, Singer W. 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Cognitive and Subjective Acute Dose Effects of Intramuscular Ketamine in Healthy Adults. Ex. Clin. Psychopharmacol. (2006), 14(4):439-449Sorensen J, Bengtsson A, Ahlner J, Henriksson KG, Ekselius L and Bengtsson M.   Fibromyalgia. Are there different mechanisms in the processing of pain? A double Blind Crossover Comparison of analgesic Drugs. 1997 J Rheumatol 24: 1615-1621Lonnqvist PA, Norton NS. Pediatric Day-Case Anesthesia and Pain Control.   Curr. Opin. Anaest. (2006), 19(6): 617-621.Menigaux C, Fletcher D, Dupont X, Guignard B, Guirimand F, Chauvin M. The Benefits of Intraoperative Small-Dose Ketamine on Postoperative Pain after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair. Anesth. Analg. 2000 90(1): 129-135Koppert W, Sittl R, Scheuber K,Alsheimer M, Schmeltz M, Schuttler J. Differential Modulation of Remifentanil-Induced Analgesia and Post-Infusion Hyperalgesia by S-Ketamine and Clonidine in Humans. Anesthesiology. 2003, 99(1): 152-159.Bushell T, Endoh T, Simen AA, Ren D, Bindokas VP, Miller RJ. Molecular Components of Tolerance to Opiates In Single Hippocampal Neurons. Mol. Pharmacol. 2002, 61(1): 55-64.